Top Challenges You Might Face During Android Mobile Application Development in 2020
Posted on 03 Jun, 2020
Mobile Applications

Developing up an android app was never a simple assignment back in the date and it's anything but a simple errand even at this point. With training and experience, android app developers prepare the aptitudes to create complex apps easily.
In any case, this doesn't make the development any simpler. There are a few difficulties in Android application development. Probably the greatest test with Android is its opposition. Google Play Store right now has 2.87 Million apps. This implies pretty much every classification and each new thought you consider is as of now in the Play Store and wealth. This makes it hard for Android developers to concoct one of a kind thoughts and make an app rank. There are as of now different apps to battle and taking an app in a similar class rank high is very troublesome.
This isn't the main test you may look like a developer while creating Android apps. How about we write down different issues of Android development.
1) Software Fragmentation
In any case, this doesn't make the development any simpler. There are a few difficulties in Android application development. Probably the greatest test with Android is its opposition. Google Play Store right now has 2.87 Million apps. This implies pretty much every classification and each new thought you consider is as of now in the Play Store and wealth. This makes it hard for Android developers to concoct one of a kind thoughts and make an app rank. There are as of now different apps to battle and taking an app in a similar class rank high is very troublesome.
This isn't the main test you may look like a developer while creating Android apps. How about we write down different issues of Android development.
1) Software Fragmentation
Various devices run on various working frameworks of Android. This makes it hard for developers to remain refreshed with constant changes. The developer stays refreshed with the most recent variant while not many clients who are utilizing the most recent rendition of the Android OS. This is one of the significant difficulties in Android app development. The developers can't create apps for the lower form where most of the clients have a place. These outcomes in passing up a tremendous piece of the intended interest group. The software discontinuity keeps down the clients to get the full performance of the apps. It additionally prompts device fragmentation which drives us to another test.
2) Device Fragmentation
Android is an open-source platform that separates it from other working frameworks. The device producers customize the working framework as per their particular needs. On account of iOS, there is only one equipment maker, Apple. In any case, with Android, there are various producers, and not every one of them is similarly acceptable to incorporate the best features of Android.
At times, the best features don't function admirably with specific devices while certain devices don't support the best forms of Android. State, for instance, two devices supported by the Oreo adaptation. Both can be very surprising in screen size, display, goals, camera, and other equipment determinations. There are practically 170+ various devices running on this OS with fluctuated details. This makes creating android apps a bad dream for the developers. This is the reason Android developers need to invest additional energy to make the client experience rich for the clients of each device type and device size.
3) No Defined UI Process
For planning android apps, there is no legitimate characterized set of rules. Thus, a large portion of the developers needs to set out their own standard procedures or rules to follow while structuring and creating Android apps. At the point when developers concoct a custom UI by their technique, the app's consistency isn't kept up across various devices. Irregularity in structuring and development makes the app makes inconsistency of the app on specific devices. Experienced developers pick the responsive and keen design to keep the UI reliable for different devices. Likewise, the mobile application development company needs to test mobile UI in both emulators and genuine devices certainly.
4) API Incompatibility
4) API Incompatibility
Android app developers utilize outsider APIs in their apps. They utilize quality APIs and the best thing to utilize them is the distinctive usefulness and interoperability of the mobile app. Designing of specific API relies upon specific forms of the Android. Along these lines, developers are feeling the squeeze to think of a solitary API to take a shot at numerous renditions and different devices. Developers consistently think that its difficult to run the app easily on all Android devices with the API of a similar set.
5) Visibility Challenge
Just like we discussed at the beginning of the blog, Google Play Store has plenty of apps. This makes it very difficult for the newly developed apps to come to the limelight and be visible to the users. Just develop a good app isn’t enough to make it successful. There are plenty of other things to undertake like take care of the search engines. Optimize the app to rank high in the search engine and get in front of the target audience. People are looking for free apps and not the paid ones, so one tip and challenge to keep the app free yet make money from it.
Android is open-source which welcomes greater security blemishes. Developers and device makers both the gatherings can customize according to their necessities. The more utilization, the more individuals utilizing it, and the transparency have made this platform progressively defenseless against security flaws. Android app development company should make a solid effort to coordinate strong safety efforts into the app. They will likewise require encryption components tom keep the app secure from the digital assaults. Programmers target Android more to get the client's information their classified data which makes it a test for the developers to put additional time and exertion in making the apps profoundly secure.
7) Patent Problems
Clients have numerous apps to look over having comparable features. Developing apps of a similar class with novel features is a serious test for Android app developers. In contrast to Apple, Google doesn't have severe rules for submitting apps to the Play Store. The absence of value check offers to ascend to issues identified with the patent. Actually, now and again the developers need to change the apps at some later date to maintain a strategic distance from the patent issues. Google has taken solid measures for patent-related issues. It ensures each developer tails it. There is a standard procedure each developer follows to build up an app and get a patent with no problem.
8) Marketing Challenges
Planning and developing up an app is incredibly basic however what's similarly significant is marketing it on the correct platforms to the perfect individuals. There is a high likelihood of the app disappointment if not advertised it the correct way. Here is a portion of the things to deal with while app marketing:
- Organic visibility of the app
- User acquisition
- User engagement
- App monetization
Regardless of whether the mobile application development company makes a drawing in configuration, creates it impeccably, and tests it faultlessly, it despite everything won't succeed. In the event that it isn't introduced to the correct crowd and goes live without appropriate marketing, it is probably going to come up short. An app must go under app store optimization for better perceivability, expanded traffic, and introduces.
Aside from these numerous difficulties, Android application developers despite everything concoct extraordinary apps. It is on the grounds that they have a pre-characterized procedure to follow to make and send effective apps in a devoted course of events.
Android App Development Process
1) Consultation
The initial step of the procedure is a legitimate interview with the customers. Hopping directly to the development without realizing the specific prerequisites is perhaps the greatest mix-up a developer can make. Sit with the customer, ask them inquiries about the app plan, different preferences, things to do, and things to avoid, features and usefulness and anticipated that time should get the app. This assists in conveying the customers precisely what they need and guarantees customer fulfillment.
2) Wireframe
A wireframe resembles a skeleton of the mobile app. Simply envision the developers complete the development of the whole app and the customer doesn't care for it. Either the difficult work goes futile or the customer stays unhappy. Neither of the circumstances is acceptable. This is the place a wireframe spares the circumstance. It shows the work process of the whole app with the fundamental structure. Along these lines, if the customer needs any adjustment in the app, it is done in the beginning periods sparing time, endeavors, and resources.
3) Designing
The progression after the wireframe is planning. The mobile app gets planned according to the customer's prerequisites. Designers follow the wireframe for the real plan. Once the app gets planned it experiences the customer. The customers can confirm the structure, share the input, and recommend any progressions if necessary. A portion of the screens get structured from the start for check and afterward, the remainder of them are embraced.
4) Development
After the app gets structured and approved by the customer, it's the ideal opportunity for mobile application development. All the features and functionalities get coordinated into the app. The development of the app experiences a lot of stages; coordinate the center functionalities first, check if there are any bugs or not. From that point forward, it is the ideal opportunity for the minor features to incorporate into the app, and furthermore check there are no futile features jumbling the app. From that point forward, the minor element gets tried for any bugs or crash. After this, the app will go into the testing stage to prepare it for the sending.
With regards to mobile app testing, it's acceptable to begin testing early and do it all the more regularly. The app tests in two different ways, manual testing, and automated testing. On account of manual testing, a lot of clients test the app and ensure there are no bugs before the dispatch. On account of mechanized testing, the software does the testing rather than individuals. The testing must be exhaustive to spare the app from crash, bugs, and disappointment. Now and again, mobile app development companies set beta analyzers, a gathering of non-tech individuals to test the app. They utilize the app and offer their criticism about the great and the bad. The app changes dependent on the input
6) Deployment
When the app is prepared, pick a day for its dispatch. Begin marketing about the app and get the word out about the dispatch. Along these lines, your app can get potential clients directly from the beginning. The organization isn't the end; it's one of the significant things to remember. There are future updates to deal with. Additionally, the client's input is something to deal with in the wake of sending the app into the Google Play Store
7) Post-Launch Support
After the app dispatch, it needs certain changes, upkeep to continue onward, the expansion of new features as and when required. Post-dispatch support covers everything.
1) How to choose the best company for Android app development?
There are some points to consider while choosing a mobile app development agency:
- Experience
- Portfolio
- Global presence
- Developers expertise
- Post-launch support
2) Which language is best for Android application development?
There are two mainstream languages Java and Kotlin for creating Android apps. Kotlin is further developed, refreshed, and favored language for creating Android apps.
3) How can I learn Android app development?
The most ideal approach to learn android mobile app development is to join a training institute. It's ideal to learn under the experts on the off chance that you are thinking about it as a lifelong decision.
There are two languages for creating android applications. Java is the more seasoned language followed for quite a long time while Kotlin is the new language reported by Google as their official language.
5) Which framework is best for Android development?
Here is the list of top frameworks:
- Corona SDK
- Adobe PhoneGap
- React Native
- Ionic
- Xamarin
- Final Words
You know the difficulties you may look over the span of Android app development. Indeed, 2020 has been loaded with difficulties, and creating Android apps is one of them. All things considered, there are approaches to handle it. Master developers will handle the difficulties and concoct an incredible app.
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